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Transforming Hiring with Innovative Culture Fit Assessment

Writer: David WrightDavid Wright

What CultureLab does

CultureLab is a platform that helps both candidates and hiring managers determine whether a candidate is likely to thrive at a given company. It uses a proprietary new framework for determining culture fit between candidate and employer, paired with automation that creates a seamless user experience, resulting in better retention.

The Current Landscape

CultureLab is a small but growing software startup trying to evolve the stale and stagnant traditional approach to job interviewing. It’s a classic David vs. Goliath story, as CultureLab takes on much larger companies in the notoriously competitive HR Technology space. There are hundreds of HR tools and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and yet HR professionals worldwide confirm that culture/environment fit insights are lacking and one of the biggest gaps in the hiring process still. And so, CultureLab takes on Goliath to meet a need nobody in the industry is meeting to the satisfaction of HR professionals everywhere.

Company Birth Story

CultureLab started as a side project for the owner of Tailored Consulting, a leadership and team development consulting firm that offers Executive Coaching and professional development training. Tailored Consulting clients were repeatedly expressing frustration about poor culture fit in new hires, so the owner started developing this new framework and platform to help address the need.

The Solution

CultureLab works by sending a short survey about various working environments to both a hiring manager and a candidate. The responses from both parties are compared, and a report is generated to help them prepare for a culture fit discussion in an interview. CultureLab is the first of its kind to send the results of a survey to the candidate, whereas most products only send results to the hiring company. In addition, most HR assessment-type products are long and cumbersome, whereas the CultureLab survey contains 15 questions that can be answered in less than 10 minutes. Companies using CultureLab are providing feedback in this early stage of the company’s development so that improvements in retention can be tracked and validated over time. The vision of CultureLab is to change the hiring process from adversarial to collaborative through better interviews.

A founder quote

Micah Lorenc, the founder of CultureLab: “There’s a quiet collusion happening between employers and job seekers. Employers see no reason to question an interviewing approach that, on the surface, seems to meet their needs. And job candidates often feel they have no leverage to challenge these established norms. The result is a mutual reinforcement of the traditional job interview that was developed in the 1920’s. We need to stop treating job interviews as a negotiation and start treating them as a collaboration. Both parties want the same thing, after all: better retention. The job interview is long overdue for an upgrade.”

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