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Australian proptech to build more houses in five years than any major building company

What Build Buddy does

Build Buddy is an innovative platform, empowering anyone to design and build their home without engaging a builder. With step-by-step tasks, users know what to do, when to do it, how they’re going to do it and directly connects them to an exclusive network of verified contractors, consultants and suppliers.

The Current Landscape

The Australian residential construction industry is facing significant challenges. Recent years have seen numerous high-profile building company collapses, leaving homeowners in financial ruin and with unfinished projects. Traditional building processes often leave clients feeling powerless, with little control over project timelines, budgets, or even access to their own building sites. Additionally, the contractors and tradespeople have been some of the most significantly hit by builder insolvencies. The industry is ripe for disruption, with homeowners seeking more transparency, control, and cost-effectiveness in the building process. There is nothing else available to homeowners that comes close to what Build Buddy offers. And the app is free to customers.

Company Birth Story

Three years ago, residential construction industry veteran, Danny Assabgy, recognised that the residential construction industry was long overdue for disruption, and that technology was the missing piece. As CEO of Hudson Homes, an award-winning traditional residential building business, Danny was well aware that traditional building didn’t suit everyone. Driven to combat rising construction costs and recognising that the traditional home building method wasn’t the catch all for everyone, Danny started working with colleagues to develop a solution for customers who wanted to save money by avoiding having to engage a traditional builder. Through this process, the team developed a transformative experience in home building where both the customer and the service providers win.

The Solution

Build Buddy offers a tech solution and enables anyone (even people with no building experience) to build their own home. It’s not simply project management software combined with a curated marketplace. Instead, it’s a collaborative tech solution that creates a future where family homes are constructed more efficiently, more cost-effectively and to a higher standard.

A Customer Story

There are currently over 70 families engaged with Build Buddy and building their own dream homes. A successful pilot program has rolled out in Queensland and New South Wales and will commence this month in Victoria. The aim is to have it rolled out across Australia by 2025.

Haneesha Nimmagadda sought to build her dream home on land purchased in 2021, amidst widespread construction industry failures. Wary of stories about long-delayed projects and unfulfilled builder contracts, she hesitated to engage traditional builders. Discovering Build Buddy during her research, Haneesha was drawn to its promise of complete control over the building process and its innovative digital workflow technology.

A founder quote

Founder, Danny Assabgy: "Our goal was to create a technology-based solution enabling consultants, contractors, suppliers and homeowners to collaborate. Build Buddy is so much more than just a platform to share knowledge and information. It is redefining the entire new home building journey by making it completely transparent, by connecting people and ensuring that the homeowner has the confidence, support and guidance they need to build the homes they've always dreamed of, and to control the project”.

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