What NIKKI Does
Fremedica uses patented bioenergetic, wellness-focused devices and technologies, like NIKKI, offering frequency enhanced health for Lyme disease and co-infections, as well as programs designed to support and encourage better health.
The Current Landscape
Competitors for NIKKI include Healy, RIFE, Hapbee, Infopathy, red light therapy, PEMF devices, and HeaWea.
Company Birth Story
Fremedica originated from a father’s urgent quest to alleviate his daughter and grandsons’ suffering, and an unwavering commitment to serving the Lyme Community. From humble beginnings with the first light box, the company has made significant strides. Fremedica is thrilled to unveil the latest addition to the family with NIKKI Wellness Technology, delivering frequency-enhanced health. This marks significant advancement to Fremedica’s trusted wellness support programs, ensuring better outcomes for those in need.
The Solution
Fremedica is on a mission to help thousands of individuals regain control over their lives through the transformative power of frequency technology. Everything in the universe has a signature frequency. The human body emanates a measurable energy “aura” composed of frequencies called the biofield. A well-composed biofield is essential to a healthy body. A disrupted biofield sets the stage for physical, mental, and emotional trauma. Fremedica’s NIKKI technology is designed to deliver wellness programs that restore and maintain proper cellular communication, which strengthens immunity to create a healthy biofield.
Fremedica’s proprietary and cutting-edge bioenergetic wearable NIKKI optimizes cellular communication in the body to enhance overall health. NIKKI works by emitting specific light-carried frequencies aimed at enhancing the body’s natural healing processes, improving wellness and reducing stress, pain, and inflammation. Unlike traditional wearables that only focus on monitoring, NIKKI delivers actual improved health and wellness.
NIKKI users can choose from a range of Wellness sets, developed to address specific needs such as stress management, energy enhancement, immune support, pain relief, and even sleep optimization. The Lyme Frequency Suite. NIKKI’s flagship offering, is expertly designed to provide support for individuals navigating chronic conditions like Lyme disease and co-infections.
NIKKI stands out as a unique and user-friendly wearable, designed to make wellness accessible for everyone. Its intuitive interface allows users to easily select wellness programs and wear the device comfortably for multiple hours a day. What sets NIKKI apart is its ability to function even with wireless connectivity turned off, offering users the option to reduce their exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) once their chosen Wellness Sets are uploaded. Whether it’s boosting energy during the day, or relaxing with sleep-enhancing frequencies at night, NIKKI’s versatility makes it suitable for both day and night use, helping users reach their wellness goals at any time. By delivering bioenergetic frequencies directly to the body, NIKKI provides a comprehensive solution that promotes cellular harmony and supports a balanced, healthier lifestyle.
A Customer Story
“I love the Nikki, even my son wants to wear it! The energy boost has a noticeable rise in energy for me. I’ve used it daily since I received it. I’ve been running the same programs and really feel like it’s helping. I left it at home for five days for a trip and definitely noticed a difference without it after wearing it for two months straight. I can’t wait to see even more improvements from long term use!” — Nicole M
“I am by nature very skeptical but tangible results have convinced me. Nikki is the real deal. I suffer from restless legs. The second night I wore my Nikki I was completely restless free. I use the energy boost during the day, a little anti anxiety and stress, in the early evening, followed by nite time and sleep at bed time. I’m convinced!” — Rick D
“Dental visits have been traumatic for me, as I have a very sensitive mouth. The simplest procedure is painful for 1 to 2 weeks afterwards. I recently had a tooth pulled. I wore my NIKKI on the pain relief setting during the procedure and for 18 hours afterwards. I had no pain the next day. I was amazed and grateful.” — Shatoiya D.
“The Nikki watch came at quite a stressful time in my life. I normally live a joyful and uncomplicated life but sometimes we are called to surf a big wave, so to speak. This particular wave has been difficult. So when I started wearing the Nikki, I immediately felt relief, especially on the “energy Boost” setting. Everything was boosted - the body’s level of available energy, clarity of mind - essentially, I felt uplifted in both body and mind. That was/is my go-to program during the day. The night-time and sleep programs also help greatly. In addition, if I have an experience where pain could be a factor (like going to the dentist or exercising more than usual), I put it on the pain relief cycle and I dodge any pain that might have normally occurred. I just love this device so much and am so grateful to have it. Deepest thanks to all of you for your work in putting this device out for the world to experience.” — Tani K.
“I started using the Waveforce ONE in 2017 and then later upgraded to the WAVE 1 which I continue to use on a daily basis to support my health after many years of recovering from Lyme disease. I also incorporate the NIKKI LYME frequency sets into my regular routine such as Gut Health, Mold, Inflammation, Stress, and more. These tools are easy to use and don't negatively impact the productivity of my day. It is my belief that true healing comes in the form of frequency, light, sound, and vibration.” — Scott F
“I have chronic back pain, fibromyalgia and allergies. My NIKKI has helped address these issues. The difference is amazing.” — Patricia C
The Team Culture
Fremedica is a frequency technology company focused on helping people live healthier lives. United by the mission to help those with chronic Lyme disease and other health challenges, the team consists of medical professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and a high-profile Advisory Board. Combining the team’s diverse skills and expertise, Fremedica has been making lives better since 2016, one frequency at a time
A Founder Quote
“2023 was a year of building and preparation. 2024 will bring NIKKI to a global audience of wellness-seekers. Our vision is a Year of Wellness.”— Stephen Davis
“NIKKI means “Victor of the People.” We are helping thousands of people get their lives back by simply providing the right communication to their cellular network in the body.” — Stephen Davis
Check it out https://wearenikki.com/
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